Kerry, Speaking Softly About the Big Stick
By Mark Leibovich
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, June 8, 2004; Page C01
FROM: PALM BEACH, Fla. -- One of the ritual dances of the modern presidential campaign takes place whenever a candidate "casually" ventures from his seat in the front of the campaign plane and visits with reporters in the back. John Kerry was eating this bit of political broccoli shortly before takeoff on a recent flight to Tampa. He stood in the aisle of the press section, placed his hands atop two seats and talked about how he liked the new World War II Memorial in Washington. After a few minutes, he walked a few rows forward and reasserted this for those who didn't hear him the first time.
One reporter mock-complained that Kerry "made news" with her competitors in the front of the press section, a charge he denied. "I gave no news, I gave no news," Kerry said, shaking his head. His word choice is revealing: News is his to "give" as he pleases, like candy. And he is committed to a fair and equal distribution of non-news:
He won't say what he bought Teresa for their ninth wedding anniversary. That's personal, he said.
His injured shoulder is healing, Kerry said. He can almost loft babies again.