Politicalodds.com states that the odds are that Edwards will be the VP choice (20% chance). Gov. Richardson and Sen. Bayh tie for second (11% chance). Clark is surprisingly last among the top contenders (6.3% chance). Then it gives a list of long shots, among them being Joe Biden (1%).
http://www.campaignline.com/oddsmaker/?CFID=316010&CFTOKEN=90799110TOP TIER CHOICES:
Sen. John Edwards (NC), 4 to 1 (20% chance)
Gov. Bill Richardson (NM), 8 to 1 (11.1% chance)
Sen. Evan Bayh (IN), 8 to 1 (11.1% chance)
Sen. Bill Nelson (FL), 9 to 1 (10% chance)
Gov. Ed Rendell (PA), 10 to 1 (9.1% chance)
Sen. Bob Graham (FL), 10 to 1 (9.1% chance)
Gov. Tom Vilsack (IA), 10 to 1 (9.1% chance)
U.S. Rep. Dick Gephardt (MO), 12 to 1 (7.7% chance)
Gen. Wesley Clark, 15 to 1 (6.3% chance)
LONGSHOT POSSIBILITIES (less than 5% chance):
Sen. Mary Landrieu (LA), 30 to 1 (3.2% chance)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA), 50 to 1 (2% chance)
Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (KS), 50 to 1 (2% chance)
Sen. Hillary Clinton (NY), 100 to 1 (1% chance)
Ex-Sen. Max Cleland (GA), 100 to 1 (1% chance)
Ex-Sen. Sam Nunn (GA), 100 to 1 (1% chance)
Sen. Joe Lieberman (CT), 100 to 1 (1% chance)
Sen. Richard Durbin (IL), 100 to 1 (1% chance)
Ex-Tr. Sec. Robert Rubin, 100 to 1 (1% chance)
Sen. Joe Biden (DE), 100 to 1 (1% chance)
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (AR), 100 to 1 (1% chance)
Sen. John Breaux (LA), 100 to 1 (1% chance)
Gov. Mark Warner (VA), 100 to 1 (1% chance)
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (MI), 200 to 1 (less than 1% chance)
AG Elliott Spitzer (NY), 200 to 1 (less than 1% chance)
Sen. John McCain (AZ), 500 to 1 (less than 1% chance)
Gov. Howard Dean (VT), 500 to 1 (less than 1% chance)
Al Gore (TN), 500 to 1 (less than 1% chance)
Someone else, 30 to 1 (3.3% chance)