When the evil one, Dick Cheney, makes such an asinine comment, as he did last night linking Saddam to al-Queda, I think of how is it is to connect the Saudis. I know that this is redundant, but I believe every time those assholes lie, someone has to tell the truth. bin-Laden is from Saudi Arabia. 15 out of 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. None, not one was from Iraq. The hierarchy of al-Queda is from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, or Egypt. None, not one, is Iraqi. The money trail is a direct link to Saudi Arabia, and as F9/11 will clearly show, the funds for the 9/11 terrorist act can be directly traced to members of the Royal Family. They even ran public telethons on T.V. to raise money for terrorists, including al-Queda. I just saw on one of the national news show some Saudi prince saying the most recent attacks in Saudi Arabia are the works of "Zionists". Even the right wing Fox news detests the Saudi's, and any defense of the Kingdom by the assholes can bring them nothing but trouble.