Very simple. There is also plenty on the site. Try these. here is a statement from the campaign on the forum
"John Kerry on Bush’s Proposed Constitutional Amendment
· John Kerry believes President Bush is wrong. All Americans should be concerned when a President who is in political trouble tries to tamper with the Constitution of the United States at the start of his reelection campaign.
· This President can’t talk about jobs. He can’t talk about health care. He can’t talk about a foreign policy, which has driven away allies and weakened the United States, so he is looking for a wedge issue to divide the American people.
· While John Kerry believes marriage is between a man and a woman, for 200 years, this has been a state issue. He opposes this election year effort to amend the Constitution in an area that each state can adequately address, and he will vote against such an amendment if it comes to the Senate floor.
· John Kerry believes the best way to protect gays and lesbians is through civil unions. He believes the issue of marriage should be left to the states, and that the President of the United States should be addressing the central challenges where he has failed – jobs, health care, and our leadership in the world rather than once again seeking to drive a wedge by toying with the United States Constitution for political purposes. "