Kerry's speech yesterday to the AFL-CIO.
"I believe in building up our great middle class," he told New Jersey's AFL-CIO. "I'm running for president because I want an economy that strengthens and expands the middle class, not one that squeezes it."
Kerry excoriated the administration for ignoring those who are struggling in favor of the wealthy, and for protecting pharmaceutical companies rather than consumers. He ridiculed the administration for developing a complicated tax code that he said panders to corporate America. "Our tax code has gone from 14 pages to 17,000 pages. Do any of you have your own page?" he said to laughter from his union audience. "Enron got its own a page. . . . And it looks like Halliburton got a whole chapter."
The forcefulness of Kerry's delivery and the words he chose were clearly intended to address critics in his party who privately say Kerry -- who often comes off as aloof and elitist -- has failed to excite the Democratic base and to give dissatisfied Republicans and swing voters positive reasons why they should turn to him for leadership.