I'm on the MN Republican mailing list so I can see what kind of evil (to use their terms) is in the works on the right. While most of the stuff I get is your typical gay bashing, environment ignoring, corporate salivating stuff, today's email was SHOCKINGLY direct and insane.
None less than, Ron Eibensteiner, Chairman, Republican Party of Minnesota , sent out an electing judge recruiting email where he admitted that the 2000 elections where influences by the political bias of the election judges and administrators, which goes 100% against the right to free elections in this country. Sound too ridiculous to be true? Here's the letter. Judge for yourself:
As we saw in 2000, the fair use of election laws by election workers can have a significant impact who leads our nation and state. Passage of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) has created many new changes in how elections are conducted, making Election Judges even more important to Republican success in 2004. To help ensure fair elections we need you to get involved today and sign up as an Election Judge.
The responsibility of the Election Judge is to assist in conducting the balloting in the polling place. Judges are appointed on partisan basis from lists provided by the State or Local Party Units to the County Auditors. Judges must reside in the County, but not necessarily the precinct or city, in which they are serving as a judge. There are more than 4,000 precincts in Minnesota and the State Party would like to assure there are two Republican Election Judges in each precinct.
Election Judges are paid by the county, and employers are required to provide leave for their employees to serve in this civic role. You can view more detailed information and sign-up at: mngop.com/electionjudge/ or call the Republican Party of Minnesota headquarters for more information at 651-842-0100. Once appointed, the County and the 72 Hour Task Force will conduct trainings for Election Judges on Election Day operations and Minnesota election law in order to ensure that all legal ballots are counted. Please sign up TODAY if you are interested in becoming an Election Judge in your County.
Ensuring that every eligible voter has the right to vote is critical to Republican success in 2004.
Ron Eibensteiner Chairman
Republican Party of Minnesota