Although the mainstream media is more concerned with things like guess the VP game, pretend that Reagan is still alive, and Bill Clinton's book, the idea that John Kerry actually wants change in this country still comes across and Bush simply trying to make things look good comes across as well. Even if the media says that the economy is good, somebody who can't find a job, no matter how hard they look knows that the economy is not good. Kerry's vision will come out in the debates. For example, when Kerry proposes a new plan for education, Bush will defend the No Child Left Behind Act using some made up statistics. In addition to the fact that Kerry will own Bush in a debate about education, the people who's kids to go terribly underfunded public schools know that the No Child Left Behind Act hasn't done jack shit to improve their kids' schools. At this point there is no question as to who to vote for if you want improvement to schools, because Bush isn't even proposing to improve schools, as far as he's concerned those standardized tests and holding kids back have completely fixed America's education system. It's the same thing on many issues that are important to Americans. Despite the fact that some argue that Kerry is uncharismatic, he will win because he will propose a vision of a better America. With Bush, the only thing people will see is a man who thinks that there are no problems in America (except for Terra) when clearly there are.