DES MOINES, Iowa - Gov. Tom Vilsack, a potential vice presidential candidate, signed a measure two years ago declaring English the state's official language. That could hurt his chances of joining the Democratic ticket.
Iowa's English-only measure and dozens like it nationwide draw virtually unanimous and vehement opposition from Hispanics, an important Democratic constituency, who view them as thinly veiled racism. Hispanics, the nation's largest and fastest-growing minority group, are being eagerly courted by Democrat John Kerry and President Bush.
The English-only bill was hotly debated for two years before it passed the Republican-controlled Legislature in February 2002. Liberal and labor groups urged Vilsack to veto it and staged vigils at his home and the Statehouse. Backers cited polls showing overwhelming support for the bill and said they were hardly surprised that he signed it.
Aides said Vilsack decided to make Iowa the 27th state with such a law because the measure was more symbolic. Influencing Vilsack's decision was a $1 million increase for programs to teach English as a second language, which the governor said was more important.
At the time, Vilsack had his share of political headaches — from a stagnant economy to deep spending cuts that forced state worker layoffs — and was in a poor position to pick a fight that polls showed wouldn't be helpful.