<Op-ed On Father's Day
June 19, 2004
by John Kerry
This morning, millions of American fathers will greet the day with their families – over their morning coffee, they’ll open cards, gifts and receive phone calls from grown-up children who have left the nest.
But for many fathers and their families, this year is different. There’s an empty chair at the dinner table. Many Dads will celebrate Father’s Day on patrol and on military bases worlds away from their families, serving in harm’s way in Afghanistan and Iraq. They endure with courage and quiet dignity in dangerous circumstances, always doing their duty. They shouldn’t have to endure additional worry about their families at home, nor should any son or daughter of an American soldier have to worry that their Dad will have anything less than all the protection he needs to come home as safely and as soon as possible.
Yet today, too many soldiers and their families have reason to worry: many military families continue to find it difficult to make ends meet, and the American military that’s been overstretched is also under-equipped. The courageous men and women of our military deserve more than accolades. While on active duty, they need up-to-date weaponry and protective gear. They deserve to know that their families are well cared-for, helped by competitive pay and quality housing. They deserve to know that their children are receiving quality education and decent health care, and that their veterans’ benefits will help them support their loved ones when they return home. They deserve to be offered real solutions by their country’s leadership, not just lip service.
To help ensure that soldiers and their families are provided with the quality of life that they deserve, I have proposed the Military Families Bill of Rights. This plan will guarantee that we keep faith with the men and women who serve our country.
For soldiers on the frontlines, we will provide state-of-the-art training, weapons, armor, and information technology. We absolutely must protect our soldiers’ safety, as they protect ours.
I also propose that the government increase our troop strength by 40,000 to relieve and support those already on the ground all over the world. Presently, our ground forces are stretched too thin - -placing a strain on the military, and placing a devastating burden on the National Guard, the Reserves, and their families. We should act to ease their burden, and more effectively meet our global commitments.
Additionally, my proposal will ensure that the families of these brave individuals receive quality health care, education, and housing while they wait for their loved one to return home. And, should the worst happen, we will make certain that military families are provided for.
It’s the job of a President to make our nation’s military and the families who support it a real priority. America’s security begins and ends with the soldier, sailor, airman, and Marine – with every man and every woman in our armed services standing a post somewhere in the world. I promise to put the lives of our military personnel and their families first.
The sacrifice that our servicemen and servicewomen provide so selflessly is the greatest expression of love of country. It is time that we express our gratitude with real solutions, not just words. On this Father’s day, let us all remember the sacrifices made by our military families. They are providing security for our families, and our government should provide security to theirs.>
if you click the link there is also an op-ed on father's day from kerry's daughter vanessa.