Well, it was almost accomplished. We are at some Java convention in Boulder and he started bringing up politics with some geeks we were talking to.
He said "ah, Kerry, he's just nuts..." to some fellow Bush fan. I overheard him and asked what he meant.
OK, my father is a great guy; funny, moderate, gives back to the community...but he's a Republican. Ever since 1968. He has talked about feeling left out at Republican state conventions due to the usual suspects (Falwellians and country-club racist loafer wearers). But he still hangs on.
So after I bought him a nice dinner, we hung out and I asked him to describe what he hates most about Kerry. Basically it was the litany of bullshit that Hannity/Rush/O'Reilly/Fox News had bestowed. I gently nuked each argument based on the Franken skewering of Hannity (
I then asked him about Bush. He said he was very disappointed in the deficit and how negative the commercials were...but, he still wants to vote for Bush.
By the end of the dinner, he understood quite a bit more about Kerry and I even had him laughing at some of the Bushisms (is our children learning...food on your family).
It's tough turning a loyal Republican to open their eyes. You just have to chisel away with the truth a little bit at a time.