I have had principals through the years, for example, who were very nice and pleasant. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it did not. I have had principals who were prickly and brusque, and I loved them equally.
I have noticed a common thread in the Dean/DFA supporters here in our still growing group:
We are outspoken on the whole, not especially concerned with impressing.....more concerned with making a difference. Some of us are less likely than others to pander and make nice, but instead we stand up and speak out against the wrongs. I have noticed that most of us are pretty educated, read a lot, write a lot of letters to the editors.
Michael Moore speaks powerfully, but in a different way. Dean is more intellectual, thinks way ahead of his speech pattern at times.....and I find it thoroughly fine. I do the same thing. He is not especially tolerant of fools, and I sure understand that.
Sometimes you can not make a difference and bring real change by being nice all the time. Sometimes it takes prickly to bring change.....and I am totally on board with that.
Too many politicians have been "unprickly" for way too long.
What Moore said was his right, but it was a very unclassy thing to say at such a time in our country. Since he started supporting Clark, he starting putting Dean down and building up the Clintons...and I did not think he was ever that fond of them.
Dean is working for Kerry and the country 6 days a week, many events a day. He did not deserve that comment at a time like this. Moore had a right to say it, though. It was just unwise and not classy.
I prefer Dean's manner to that of the other candidates. It is matter of fact, down to earth, and not meant to impress. I am tired of being put down for appreciating what he has done. It started at a certain time in the primaries. Before that he was pretty respected here, in fact well respected. It changed suddenly and most of us know when and why.
So again, if you really want to make change you might have to be a prick. Ok with me.