By Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 24, 2004; Page A08
After months of criticizing President Bush for failing to attract international support for the U.S. mission in Iraq, Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) shifted his tone yesterday, putting NATO nations on notice that the time has come for them to contribute military forces to help secure the country as a new government takes power.
Kerry did not absolve the administration of responsibility for other nations' reluctance to participate in the Iraq mission, but said it was long past time for them to withhold support, given shifts in U.S. policy that have brought a more active role by the United Nations.
"In light of the failed diplomacy of the Bush administration, that reluctance is not surprising," he said in a statement issued while campaigning in California. "But now is the time that our allies must join the effort to support Iraq's transition. The NATO summit is the perfect opportunity for them to demonstrate their commitment to the new U.N. resolution."
Kerry urged the administration to invite Iraq's interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi to the NATO summit in Istanbul next week as a way to put pressure on other nations to send troops to help secure Iraq's borders and safeguard the United Nations' mission.