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Fahrenheit 9/11 is truly Awesome Film - Moore is one of the Great director

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patrice Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 08:18 PM
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Fahrenheit 9/11 is truly Awesome Film - Moore is one of the Great director
This is such a painfully beautiful film.

When Michael Moore’s new film won first prize at Cannes, I thought yeah right, Europe getting even with Bush + a big money making film. But no, Fahrenheit 9/11 stands on its own merits as film, a painfully beautiful and terrible film with an attitude, documentary to be sure, but Moore makes no bones about his perspective from the beginning. He’s very interested in the Saudis. Though I’ve heard there are some things that one might want to split-hairs with in regard to some events, like what exactly did Bush’s aid say to him before he went back to read to some 4th(?) graders after hearing about 2 airplanes and the World Trade Center, the country under attack, by some people in a family with whom his family does a lot of business, not to mention Cheney and all of the others. There is a long study in the film of George V’s face while he waits to go on camera to introduce his war to our lives. This film is an amazing collage of faces beautifully photographed, and the cold clinical eye of the uninvolved photojournalist during the invasion of Iraq, imbedded journalists, torn children, burnt and exploded bodies, dead sons, and missing uncles and war wounds everywhere, and cuts in Veterans’ benefits.

Classically Documentary film, with an attitude, observations about the rhetorical background of “fear” and endless war (thank you Noam Chaomsky) - to supply no bid cost-plus contracts for Cheney and friends, a domestic military jobs program, grassroots constituency for whatever weapons we can sell to whomever for whatever, and then “Have!” to go visit them later to make them stop using the weapons we sold them. With our Bin Laden family business partners. Talk about growth in Government!! Which probably wouldn’t have happened BTW if it weren’t for a perfect 0 for a Congress! With a few notable exceptions like Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich and Carol M. Braun, Senator Byrd, ANSWER,et al. God! Moore’s footage showing the stealing of the presidency in 2000!!! Makes your blood boil again, especially when the Black Representatives lined up to tell their story about Katharine Harris’s sloppy work!!!!! to the Senators - who told them to go sit down and shut up. I cried. This is definitely a move worth seeing more than once. I’m putting Morre up there with my favorites like David Lynch, Timothy Burton, Ridley Scott, Spielberg, and the guy who made Nashville, Altman, and some others. This is a GREAT Film!

I hope you’re out in the streets talking about the issues on this National Peace Action Weekend. Stand up for peace!

Solidarity All.

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Cha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 08:22 PM
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1. Thank you, for that wonderfully written
piece on your view of F9/11.

I saw it today and I can't get enough of reading and talking about it..It was just so amazing...I want to see it again to have even more sink in.

The DVD is coming out in October, I've heard.
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patrice Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 08:40 PM
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3. A very significant film
I can't wait to see it again.

This one is up there with all of my most favorite films. I'm so surprised by how beautiful Moore's eye is, and so sweetly funny, and heartbroken sad for his community. And I really like that Moore reviewed Florida 2000 information, I had not heard that little tidbit about the Black Representatives and their friends in the communities looking at 10s of thousands of people prevented from voting, and trying to get a hearing. And NO SENATORS WOULD SIGN! I cried!!! And then the Supremes and that whole cast of Jim Baker's characters! What Happened??? This has been a terrible experience. The whole thing. I hate this War.

War is damned.
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janx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 08:37 PM
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2. Moore is not only a fine director. He's a gifted writer and
producer. That's what makes him so phenomenal. The only problem I had with *Bowling for Columbine* was that I felt he went too far over the top when he chased down the senile Heston at the end...I felt that it didn't really support his point very well since the guy had no idea of what was going on. Some would say that it supports his point more--I disagree.

But I've been surfing around the Net today, looking for reactions to the documentary, and from all accounts, it's supposed to be his very best. There are tales of people laughing and crying in the theaters, of strangers getting together afterwards to discuss the film. There are posts by military family members describing how they felt about it and describing how it fits into the accounts they've heard from their loved ones in Iraq.

That's what art is supposed to be about. This isn't just politics--and if you ask Moore in his later years, I'd be willing to bet he would be the first to say so. Moore is first and foremost an artist, and the better he gets at it, the better off we will all be.

I can't wait to see it.
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 09:00 PM
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4. Thanks for that wonderful review. I can't see it until Sunday and it's
so hard waiting, I can't get enough of reviews. :-)'s
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