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Bikers for Kerry

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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 10:18 PM
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Bikers for Kerry
Has this gotten any attention at DU? I haven't noticed. Help spread the word. And please don't comment on the environment/engines thingy, just go with the Biker Spirit!

Bikers are the ultimate symbol of individual American Freedom. To ride from the painted deserts to the rolling piney mountains is our expression of love for our country. As we ride, we are engulfed by the land, the water, and the air, but our America is being poisoned by Bush's callous contempt of the environment. Our voice must be heard like the roar of our engines.

If you ride, if you believe in freedom, if you are proud of your country, RIDE IN SUPPORT OF JOHN KERRY! A decorated Veteran who served his nation with honor in Vietnam and returned with a plea for peace. A man who stands for the people of America and not just wealthy corporations. A man who rides on two wheels JUST LIKE US! Let's support our brother of American freedom!

On July 28th, we are organizing a rally from all points of the country to the Democratic National Convention, not as delegates, as Bikers who believe in John Kerry's presidency.

Join the ride and aim our wheels towards victory!
Check out my website at select black link NY Bikers for Kerry. If you live in the Northeast area and would like to join our cause, email me at

We will meet at the Minuteman National Historical Park in Concord, MA on the morning of July 28, 2004.
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lanparty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 10:26 PM
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1. Mountain Biker AGAINST Bush!!!!!!

Can't stand how he wrecked a Trek Fuel 90. ;-)

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For PaisAn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 10:46 PM
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2. Thanks!
My husband and several friends are bikers and Kerry supporters. I passed this along to him.
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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 09:45 AM
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3. i love these things
i love how people show their support in so many different ways. i don't see much of this type of creativity for bush though.
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cyclezealot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-27-04 04:11 AM
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4. Yeah..we are obviously bikers also..
Used my bike in the California primary campaign...I find using the bike is a fast way to cover the most homes as quickly as possible.
I dropped off about 400 pieces of Dennis Kucinich material thanks to my touring bike...Talked to about 200 people for Dennis in about 5 days...Contacted every home in my precinct.
I know DK has been a big proponent of alternative transportion in ICETEA.....In fact Dk saw me ride up on my bike at one rally...Gave me a thumbs up...
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