Edited on Sat Jun-26-04 11:53 PM by ButterflyBlood
Frankly I believe in giving Kerry all the support you can, regardless of where you are. Kerry's getting my vote no matter what, even if he's beating Bush by 20 points in Minnesota right before the election. But if just can't vote for Kerry and live in Utah or DC, it ain't worth it to try to change your mind.
But I still ask, why Nader? The Greens decided not to endorse him, and instead go with David Cobb. Cobb wants to build the party at the grassroots, concentrate on local races, and do a safe state strategy. If you can't support Kerry, you might at least help the party by supporting Cobb. Cobb wants to use his campaign as another front against Bush. Nader is using his campaign aimlessly. He's not targeting anything, just destroying all others than him. What does supporting Nader help? Nothing. Nader is a dangerous political fundamentalist who doesn't care what he destroys. He's threatening the Green party now as well as the Democratic. All Nader cares about is getting more votes to fill his giant ego, regardless of if he destroys the whole American left in the process. Nader is just scum. He cares about himself and nothing more. There is nothing that can be gained by supporting him, long term or short term.
I'd prefer you to vote for Kerry, but if just can't, at least go Cobb. There is no reason to give scum like Nader any support.