I'm sure this article from the American Prospect has been posted here before, and I'm sure that idiot Naderites would have tried to dismiss it, but it really is infuriating.
Nader's bid for the Arizona ballot began this spring when members of his campaign sought a contract with Arno Political Consultants, a California-based Republican consulting firm that has handled past ballot-qualification efforts for GOP icons like Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, as well as anti-immigrant groups like U.S. English.
In its effort to get on the ballot in the key battleground state of Arizona, the Prospect has learned, the Nader campaign hired a petition company that is also gathering signatures for a draconian anti-immigrant initiative pushed by right-wing elements in the state. The initiative, called Protect Arizona Now (PAN), would restrict access to public services by undocumented immigrants.
I used to think they may have been fools, but with all the evidence there is pointing to Nader being a RW plant, I don't really see why I even have to take time to try to reason with them.
Can these people be any more stupid? Nader is actually WILLINGLY taking the help of republicans in getting ballot access. He knows what he's doing.
So F*Ck Nader, his supporters, Camejo, and all the other rich ass wipes and republicans that support him. This time there's NO excuse. I've had enough of their bullshit, and as far as I'm concerned they're nothing but repukes if they still support him and his "agenda" to give Bush another four more years.
So read this article and realize that Nader isn't our ally -- in swing states or "safe" states. He's a worthless WILLING tool of the republicans. And please Naderites, don't use your tired defense of Nader by trying to paint democrats as appeasers because of some bad votes. Most democrats DON'T defend these votes anymore, however, trying to claim democrats as having no integrity while claiming Nader is the paragon of virtue and integrity is the HEIGHT of hypocrisy.