I'm sure this article from the American Prospect has been posted here ((and there have been attempts to dismiss it by some) before but it is really infuriating nevertheless.
http://www.prospect.org/web/page.ww?section=root&name=ViewWeb&articleI... -------------snip------------------------------------------------
Nader's bid for the Arizona ballot began this spring when members of his campaign sought a contract with Arno Political Consultants, a California-based Republican consulting firm that has handled past ballot-qualification efforts for GOP icons like Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, as well as anti-immigrant groups like U.S. English.
In its effort to get on the ballot in the key battleground state of Arizona, the Prospect has learned, the Nader campaign hired a petition company that is also gathering signatures for a draconian anti-immigrant initiative pushed by right-wing elements in the state. The initiative, called Protect Arizona Now (PAN), would restrict access to public services by undocumented immigrants.
I think this should confirm that Nader and some of his supporters are not allies -- swing state of safe state. They are WILLING tools of the right.