Just got this: they're claiming they were the first to think of allowing voters to network through the web, kinda exactly like Dean's letters campaign, except the Bush campaign thought of it first: (emphasis added):
The web has changed the rules and we are changing grassroots politics.
For many years, volunteers who wanted to walk their precinct or call voters in their neighborhood to help a campaign had to visit the campaign office to get lists, call sheets, clipboards and brochures.
Not anymore!
Beginning today, GeorgeWBush.com now gives you everything you need to reach out to voters, contact your neighbors, and ensure President Bush is re-elected. We're giving you new tools to help spread the President's message.
• Your Virtual Precinct - As a Bush Volunteer, you can now set up your own "precinct" of friends and family across the country to contact on behalf of President Bush! Create a permanent email list so you can forward emails to your "precinct" with voter registration deadlines, early and absentee voting information, Bush-Cheney '04 events and rallies, as well as the regular emails that you receive as a Bush Volunteer.
Visit www.GeorgeWBush.com/SignUp/ to become a volunteer and receive your personal Volunteer Action Center.
• Contact Voters Near You - Now you can help reach voters directly. There is no one better to help spread the President's positive message to your neighbors than you! We'll provide a list of voters that live near you. Help us contact these voters by picking up the phone, or slipping on your walking shoes and knocking on their door.
These tools are unprecedented in Presidential politics and begin to blur the line between offline and online activism - all in an effort to make ours the strongest grassroots organization in history.
I hope you will use these tools to continue spreading the word about the President's positive agenda for America.