OK, so the question is kind of facetious. But I wonder if we have ourselves too intimidated by Rove. So many portraits of him in the press have him painted as some evil Machiavelli, pulling the strings of power and making everyone dance, "Bush's Brain". Many people here quake and shake in their boots at the idea of what "Karl Rove will do to our candidate" once he or she is nominated.
On the other hand (and I'm not advocating we underestimate this guy, who is a student of Nixonian dirty tricks and "ratfucking"), here is a guy who ran the campaign of the son of a relatively popular President, who had the entire press on his side (painting his opponent with every smear while giving his guy a complete pass), who had access to millions and millions of dollars of corporate graft and largess in the campaign, whose candidate had the tacit support of a worldwide war-profiterring machine behind him, and whose opponent helped him by selecting an awful running-mate and running a lackluster campaign
He still lost the election, both in popular votes overall and in the state of Florida. He lost, with all of those incredible advantages. It took a judicial coup, a putsch, an endrun around democracy, to accomplish what any person of moderate talent should have been able to do in a walk.
I think we can also lay the disastrous "flight suit" photo-op and the nearly-as-disastrous "Thanksgiving-with-poison-Halliburton-turkey" photo-op at Rove's feet as well.
So what do you think? Is this guy really all he wants us to think he is cracked up to be? Or is he better at shooting himself in the foot than we give him credit for?