On almost any political "news" show on the conserva-media, about the primary, they unfailingly mention the polls between Bush and Dean. They seldom mention anyone else in the primary's results against Bush. Just this morning I was reading USA Today's polls, and the difference between Clark, Dean, Lieberman, and Kerry's numbers, against Bush, were statistically insignificant.
If you are a Dean voter, and wavering, you should just go ahead and vote for Dean if you prefer him over the other candidates, since right now there is very little difference between Dean and the others.
Clearly, the republi-media has chosen to try to trash Dean, yet even so, Dean's support has only skyrocketed, or held the same. So don't be afraid to vote for Dean, he can do better for several reasons. He has more money, he has more dedicated supporters, he has a well-lubed machine working for him both through the Internet, and in poignant states. The meet up (
http://meetup.com ) will only grow, as other candidates drop out, and Dean will pick up even more supporters. When he adds Clark as a VP, he'll pick up immediate support, as he is in second in most states. When we focus the power of the meet up on the electorate, after the other democrats drop out, and their supporters join, you will see Bush's numbers drop faster than Ashcrofts investigations on Bushites.