I remember when the Presidential Debates were real debates, with a real impartial moderator, and a distinguished panel of journalists, in which candidates were given the time to answer and expound on their views on major issues. There were no Judies, or Paulas, or Timmies trying to get their KO punch and the sound bite.
When the political machines of the 2-major parties took away the debates from the League of Women Voters, it did a disservice to the American people. Debates were won by the best prepped and coached candidate, not by the better candidate.
It is our fault that we allowed American democracy to degrade to the point that it has. The outrageous abuses of the Bush government are the culmination of years of neglect by us, the American people, of the liberties and democratic values that so many sacrificed their lives for.
I don't care what a candidate's favorite book, or philosopher, or artist happens to be. I don't care how tall or short the candidate is, or whether he is single or divorced. I don't care to hear how well rehearsed the candidate was in giving the TV audience a bland and safe answer on a thorny issue. I do care what the candidate's values are, and what he is going to do if elected.
There are Americans from all across the political spectrum that would like to change the way presidential debates are organized and conducted. I ask that you give them a fair hearing.
Open Debates, National Press Building, 529 14th St. NW, Suite 1201, Washington, DC 20045
November 25, 2003
OPEN DEBATES APPLAUDS REP. KUCINICHWASHINGTON, DC -- Open Debates commends Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) for calling for open debates as part of his presidential campaign platform. "I believe in the power of open debates to restore higher values of democracy and voter education to the American political process," stated Rep. Kucinich.
"We applaud Rep. Kucinich's call for open debates," said Open Debates' Executive Director George Farah.
The bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) has sponsored the presidential debates since 1988, when it seized control of the debates from the non-partisan League of Women Voters. The CPD is a private corporation that was established by the chairs of the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee.
"CPD sponsored presidential debates have been little more than glorified press conferences, where candidates recite prepackaged sound-bites, and avoid discussing many important issues," said Farah.