OK, I started this thread earlier in GD and it died. But I feel strongly that the observations below are worthy of note. Thus, I am starting a new thread in GD Primary, where perhaps it should have been from the outset.
Moderators, please indulge me. OK, here goes (again).
Last May -- high up on the flank of Cannon Mountain in Franconia Notch, NH -- the Old Man of the Mountain lost his face - literally - the day after Bush pulled his pilot-with-a-codpiece stunt on the aircraft carrier Abe Lincoln ("Mission Accomplished").
I was struck by the sequence of events. Bush prances on Abe Lincoln deck, the noble Old Man loses face immediately thereafter. WTF?
Bush Prances Carrier Deck in Flight Suit - May 2, 2003
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/2993415.stmOld Man story - May 3, 2003:
http://gonewengland.about.com/cs/nhhistory/l/bloldmanofmtn.htmFor NH -- and all who had ever seen him -- the collapse of the granite face was a First Class tragedy -- for the Old Man was a symbol of honesty, dignity, and honor -- and he seemed eternal.
I always thought of the Old Man's profile as embodying the same qualities as Old "Honest Abe" Lincoln, whose profile is so familiar to us from the penny. So I was deeply saddened to see him "lose face," and could not help but note that it came right after Bush pulled that bald-faced PR stunt on the deck of our nation's Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier.
After lying to America, our soldiers and the world, what right did Bush have to celebrate himself and "Declare Victory"? Hundreds of our soldiers have died and been wounded since that day, not to mention the ongoing misery for their families at home and the families in Iraq.
At the time I took this monumental loss of face in the Granite State as a sign that the appointee-in-chief was disgracing himself, comporting himself without honor.
After all, as we now know the Iraq war is based completely on BushCo fabrications, and Iraq had no connection to 9/11. This is a war of aggression and conquest. That's why our young men and women are dying over there -- it has nothing to do with national defense or our true honor.
Today, now that I have read Sevethson's posting in GD about the R candidacy of John Buchanan in the NH primary, I see things in a different light. I see the loss of face of the Old Man of the Mountain as an Omen that G.W. Bush may well lose face before the voters of NH.
Will the truth emerge? Will Bush be unmasked for who he really is before or during the NH primary? We shall see.
Here's the DU thread discussing the R. candidacy of john Buchanan against G. W. Bush in the NH primary.
His campaign -- and his research -- are sincere, and worthy of every citizen's consideration.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=980708“Campaign Manifesto”
Issues, Questions & Answers
January 1, 2004
To use the truth & the facts
to demonstrate to
fellow Republicans and
the American people
that George W. Bush
is a liar and war criminal
guilty of treason.
These extraordinary allegations
are made by a working national journalist
with great respect for
the Office of the Presidency,
and even greater respect
for the responsibility of
the average citizen to
stand up for truth and honor
in times of national crisis.
Web site at
http://www.johnbuchanan.orgIt’s YOUR country.
Stand up for it – NOW. Please.