but I am going to use your post as a bit of a soapbox.....
When I found DU a long time ago I just knew I was disgusted, little else, when it came to politics. Boy that changed in a hurry! I learned so much my head was spinning. I was able to track down my nearly invisible local Dems and I got involved. It was a dismal thing to behold.
I helped on a fundraiser, it was clear that we had no presence here. Trying to solicit items for a silent auction was a real challenge. I managed to cobble together an impressive array of items in spite of that and made lots of $$. Every fundraiser after that I did some big thing for it, for instance Senator Levin agreed to do a fundraiser for us. We have a former US Attorney here where I live, he hosted it. I bought the ribs, got the wine donated and various board members brought extras. It cost the Party almost nothing. Hundreds came, we made a boatload.
That has been the story now with every fundraiser I have been a part of. We now have an unprecedented (for us) bank balance.
They elected me to the board and then to Membership Chair. This party was taken over three years ago because of its non-existent status in the community. One of the things they did was start a newsletter. They have acquired well over 900 names on the mailing list. I did a membership mailing to that list of names. Sent a letter and a mem form. I did the whole project, printing, folding, stuffing envelopes, I even signed every single letter by hand. We have a postage permit for our newsletter which makes it so much cheaper to send stuff (I had a rubber stamp of it made so I didn't have to have a printer do it--great for future mailings!). I included, in my letter, several tasks to check off that were volunteer, as well as a space to write in the amount of any "additional donation".
I got hundreds of replies, took in thousands of dollars and raised a small army of volunteers. I also got lots of little notes. One was from an older couple. They thanked me for my letter and told me they'd been involved over the years but had never offically joined. Nobody had ever asked them! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed getting the mail for the next month or so. I got so muchthey had to bundle it! It was great. All from the comfort of my own home.
Remember, I started out knowing nobody and nothing, not very long ago at all.
Why do I blather on telling you all about this? Because I want you all to see what really needs to be done.
This post here, I don't mean to pick on you Patricia, demonstrates what the problem is. We need to grow the party. We need to work on off years when we aren't under the spell of a candidate and have all our sights focused on getting that person elected. No we need to create, ahead of time, a base of support for when that candidate comes along.
I see folks coming in here zealously promoting their candidate, raising big money for them, tabling events, attending rallies, whatever. All that is fine and good but if there isn't a base of support for that candidate's party, in the end the R's will win. I too live in an area that is an R stronghold. I've been working hard to change that and I urge every person on this board to do the same. I always wonder when I see all this great effort people come here and post, if only we'd all been doing such things for the party since the Selection of 2000, where might we be today? *sigh*
Get out and find your local party! Join them, they are happy to see volunteers! Offer ideas, help with fundraisers and see where there is room for improvement!
There is so much we can all do. One of the things party invovlement like this can result in is bringing the House and Senate (as well as State Houses and Senates) into the Democratic fold. You can have the Democratic president of your choice but without some help in Congress, forget it.
Ok, getting off soap-box--before you all start lobbing yucky tomatoes. ;-)