It is possible, even easy to throw Red Meat to our own without splattering the undecided with excessive blood and Gore (pun intended). Righteous anger is a powerful force, and we need all of the powerful forces we can muster to not only defeat George Bush, but to take back Congress also. We can't tip toe around the importance of this election. It is not enough to say that Kerry - Edwards will do better for America, we also need to drive home the point that Bush - Cheney have done TERRIBLY for America. We don't have to descend into the gutter with the Republican attack machine to do that, but we can't rise above them in a hot air balloon either. The FACTS favor us. Secret energy task forces, Enron type lobbyists writing legislation favor us, and the gutting of the EPA favors us. The stacking of the Courts with right wing ideologues favor us. The intentional distortion of facts on Iraq favors us, and the naive assumptions about Americans being greeted with flowers. Under funding of first line defenders, the bankrupting of Social Security, rolling over for the Drug companies, the explosion of greed in America, the neglect of the Mid East, the mismanagement of North Korea, the dishonor of our veterens, and so much more, they all favor us. And what is the common denominator running through each of these greater and lesser catastrophes? The Bush Administration.
The Republicans are still fighting the wars of the early 70's with permissive liberal Democratic bogeymen as their straw men, and we let them get away with it. Our reaction? "Oh no, not us, you must be talking about someone else. We're responsible too". How much more powerful would it be for Democrats to force the focus onto the real conflicts of the 21st century, the ones Americans are grappling with right now? Why are we afraid to name names? Why can't Tom Delay and John Ashcroft be directly challenged? How can John Kerry be presented as a man of courage when the underlying message is; be careful not to say anything that the right wing might use against us? If we start out with the assumption that middle of the road Americans have to be smooth talked into buying our product, how much confidence do we have in what we offer? Confidence is the closer to any good sales ptich.
The Republicans will hit us with exactly the same attack lines regardless of what we do or do not say during this campaign. If they can't find some clip from a contemporary rally to use against us, they will recycle one from the past, and invent whatever context they need to use it against us. We can't fight back with one hand tied behind our back, and we don't have to hit below the belt to do so. We have plenty of fair targets to focus on. If Kerry and Edwards claim to have the courage and ability to protect our nation from all threats, domestic and foreign, they can start by defending our people from the special interest driven, self serving, deceptively crafted and disastrous policies of the current administration. Name names, cite instances, take prisoners, and liberate America from false patriotism. We must show the courage of our convictions, bravely, and face down our opposition, looking them, and our own people, straight in the eye. Decision making should be nuanced, but never leadership. Clarity in defense of truth is not a vice.