Edited on Sun Jan-04-04 01:56 AM by Sean Reynolds
The gist is that Bush lied about the intelligence as well as the threat Saddam posed as well flipped the bird at the UN. This was completely opposite to what the IWR was intended.
Additionally, Bush went ahead and attacked unilaterally and as a first option, not as a last resort that Kerry would have done if he was president.
BUT that is my point. Kerry's a smart man and should have seen past Bush's lies. I mean, what did Kerry hear that made him believe Bush? Why would he not forget Bush's past history and support the resolution? Kerry is too smart to be lied to by Bush. I know he is. It doesn't make sense because even average citizens knew Bush would by-pass the UN and start a unilateral war with Iraq.
Kerry was against the first Gulf War. Dean has been on record that he supported it. Dean also is on record saying he would support going into Iraq at the time of the vote, but has the convenient opening to not having a position in Congress to have his vote on record.
Many Democrats supported the first Gulf War because we were asked for help. I don't support it, but it's not the issue I'm talking about today. We're talking about THIS war, not the first Gulf War.
Although I personally protested the impending Bush war in the streets of SF, I do understand Kerry's position. It's not a deal-breaker with me at all in my full support for his candidacy.
I respect John Kerry for his great liberal record. I will admit that the war played in part of me dropping Kerry as my candidate early in 2003. But in the end I do fault Kerry because he should have been smart enough to realize Bush was playing a con game. Out of ALL the Democrats running for president that supported the war, I believe Kerry was the one that should have seen past Bush's facade.
Kerry also offers many other traits beyond the IWR vote such as years of experience with the Foreign Relations Committee and working in national security concerns, having the strongest pro-environment platform among all the candidates, an investigative background as a Chief prosecutor and in the Senate with Iran/Contra and BCCI (including helping indict Ollie North and other Reagan cronies) and a strong economic incentive plan that includes alternative fuel resources development, environmental opportunity zones and stronger healthcare platform.
Read above, I respect Kerry for his amazing liberal record.
In his twenty years as a US Senator, he has the strongest liberal voting record for a woman's right to choose, for the arts, for civil rights for ethnic minorities, LGBT and economic development for small businesses.
Again read above.
If you look at Kerry's record over the years regarding war, he has always been cautious about going to war as well as was an integral figure in helping stop the Viet Nam war and supporting vets.
I guess what makes me mad is that Kerry, a liberal senator, has ran to the right in this election. He should have run on his record, instead he's running on the base that HE could do better than Dean. That turned me off because I believe Kerry could have made a wonderful president. He sunk his political ship NOT because he voted for the Iraq war, but because he left his liberal record and tried painting himself as a centrist. Like Dean, who many believe was a centrist and moved to the left. It's just too bad that he made the error in support the worst president in the history of America.
I trust what he would do if he was president and had to face down war options in these times, since he is in fact a decorated soldier who actually knows firsthand about war and its madness.
I don't doubt Kerry would have not invaded Iraq, but that doesn't answer WHY he believed Bush. Like I've said many times, Kerry said he didn't want unilateral war. But in the back of his head he should have known Bush was going to go in unilaterally. I did. Most of DU did. Hell, most in the world did. Why not Kerry?
As for Gephardt and Lieberman, they were much more hawkish that Kerry on this and previous attacks in Iraq. I can offer no defense for their actions.
Unlike Kerry, I do believe these two are more hawkish. They'd probably support a unilateral war; thus they have no right attacking it. Remember, Gephardt helped draft Bush's resolution. IMO Gephardt and Lieberman are being hypocrites when they attack Bush on the war because they gave him a blank check to do so. But alas, I sorta think Kerry is being one too. Because we all knew Bush would screw this war up, just like he did in the Afghan attack.