To some the enthusiasm for the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama seems sudden, unexpected—even impulsive. The groundswell of support for Obama, evidenced by the impressive number and amount of donations to his campaign, may be unprecedented.
The passionate reception for Obama as secular savior derives from a growing unease in the nation’s collective consciousness. Too many things are going wrong. Conditions are becoming critical, and corrective action is now imperative. Thus, “change” is the common catchword in the current contest for the world’s most powerful office.
However, the pendulum of America’s duopoly politics has not been an effective mechanism for real change. The interaction between the Democrat and Republican parties has not functioned as a transcendental dialectic resolving the increasingly serious problems confronting America. The arc of this political pendulum grows smaller, reaches its nadir and does nothing.
Yet, voters ride the swing and continue to be disappointed that their votes rarely yield results that match their hopes.
Now, distressed and deeply disappointed by the fiascos and the arrogant incompetence of the Bush-Cheney neo-conservatives, the nation again seeks change. But, simply replacing Republican ideologues with Democrat ideologues will not bring transformational change. Transformational change requires that public policy be made with impartial rationality free of vanities, venalities, and the self-interest of party politics. Each issue must be assessed by open minds striving to find effective resolutions that benefit the general welfare rather than appease or reward various groups. is what Clinton does not get - and those who call Obama supporters "snot-faced brats".