The General's New Stripes
He had a rough entry. But Wes Clark is a quick study. A rookie finds his stride
By Evan Thomas and Daniel Klaidman
Gen. Wesley Clark has never quite learned how to behave like a politician. Before Christmas, he was asked at a town meeting in Derry, N.H., how he would respond if President Bush or Clark's own Democratic rivals questioned his patriotism or military record. Failing to see that he was being followed by a television camera, he answered, "I'll beat the s—t out of them." Clark's aides later joked that the candidate should have put out an apology, acknowledging that he had misspoken—that what he really meant to say was, "I'll beat the living s—t out of them."
The political professionals who handle Clark are learning that sometimes the best thing to do with the candidate is to let him be himself. After all, Clark's mantra is "I'm a leader, not a politician." If he lacks a seasoned candidate's carefully honed skill to say nothing well and to avoid controversial answers, then so much the better. Not long ago, a Fox News anchor pointedly asked if Clark was putting down U.S. troops by suggesting that Iraq was a "sideshow" to the more vital war on terrorism. Clark angrily lit into the newscaster for "playing politics with the men and women in uniform." Aghast, Clark's media adviser, Chris Lehane, took him aside and warned him that a national politician could not afford to fly off the handle that way, that the general's diatribe had been "too hot" for TV. Then the Clark campaign noted a sudden spike in campaign contributions. Voters apparently liked his righteous outburst.
In a campaign where boldness and "authenticity" may be the Democrats' best, if not only, hope of beating Bush, Clark's amateur standing in the game of politics could be a virtue. Clark is widely reported to be improving on the stump, to be less long-winded and more polished in his answers. With his impressive fourth-quarter fund-raising surge (between $10 million and $11 million), he may have positioned himself to be the Democrats' "Un-Dean." But Clark doubts that he is doing better because of any new-found political skills. Rather, he suggests, people are gradually recognizing his essential worth. "Voters have to learn who you are," he says. "It's a new experience for Democrats to learn about generals."
Clark has learned to be a little less lofty. This week he will offer up a plan to overhaul and simplify the tax code. But his best role remains soldier-statesman. At a speech in Exeter, N.H., in November, he literally wrapped himself in the flag and called on veterans in the audience to stand with him against the politicos who would question their patriotism. Clark's embrace of flag, faith and family plays very well in Red State America, where the Democrats are hurting. Last week, as he traveled through eight Southern states on a two-day "True Grits Tour," wavin' the flag and droppin' his g's, he seemed exuberant.
There's a bit more on the page... Clark fans (especially) might want to read it :)