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N.J. Governor McGreevey & Rep. Rush Holt Endorse Dean

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pruner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 10:38 AM
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N.J. Governor McGreevey & Rep. Rush Holt Endorse Dean
N.J Governor Jim McGreevey's Endorsement Message:

Fellow Democrats:

I am proud to endorse Howard Dean for President and join the Dean for America campaign that so many of you worked to build.
Howard Dean will be the next President of the United States because he is inspiring people to believe in democracy again. He knows this campaign is about more than just changing presidents -- it is about our children's education, improving our economy, and protecting our environment. It is about America's future.

Under President Bush's economic policies, 3 million jobs have been lost and middle-class America is hurting. President Bush has turned President Clinton's surplus of $3.1 trillion over the next decade into a $3.8 trillion deficit that will be shamelessly passed down to our children. The No Child Left Behind law labels our finest public schools as failures. It shortchanges schools across the country by billions of dollars at the same time President Bush is able to find $4 billion per month to send to Iraq. And as America yearns for leadership on the environment, we have a president who lets the oil and coal industries write our environmental laws.

We can do better. We must do better. In the words of Howard Dean, "We want our country back."


Holt Endorses Dean

TRENTON--Congressman Rush Holt (NJ-12) today endorsed Governor Howard Dean, citing his ability to defeat George W. Bush and take back the White House in 2004.

"I'm endorsing Governor Howard Dean for president because I share his commitment to reconnecting Americans with their democracy and for restoring their confidence in government's ability to serve the public good. Governor Dean has launched a revolutionary grass roots movement that is inspiring Americans in New Jersey and across the country. He would make an excellent president and he has already shown that he is the type of candidate who can defeat an incumbent," Congressman Holt said.

"I'm pleased that Congressman Holt has decided to join our campaign to take our country back in 2004," Governor Dean said. "He's a nationally recognized technological visionary, and has compelling ideas about the future of American science and biotechnology. I look forward to working with him over the coming months as we continue to build the greatest grassroots campaign presidential politics has ever seen."

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