Pressed four times on CNN's "Late Edition" to say whether Dean, the former governor of Vermont, was qualified to be president, Gephardt declined to answer directly.
"I think I'm more qualified than he is," said Gephardt, who is locked in a must-win battle with Dean in Iowa. "I think he's going to have real trouble beating George Bush with the positions he's taken, and the statements that he's made." week ago he would have taken the bait, imo, but he answered this well. He made a case for himself, took an adversarial position to Dean but avoided building Bush up in the process. This is how it should be done.
The piece goes on to nice response from Dean to the general critics:
"If you look at what they say carefully, 'Oh, Howard Dean, he can't be elected, after we caught Saddam Hussein he said it hadn't made us any safer.' Well, we're at Code Level Orange, we now have fighter pilots escorting commercial aircraft and we have lost 23 more American troops since Saddam was caught," Dean said. "It seems to me maybe I was right."