Howie Dean, He will be in Springfield, IL on January 10, 2004
State Journal Register ^ | January 1, 2004 | John Reynolds
Posted on 01/02/2004 4:26:27 PM PST by TheEaglehasLanded
Dean expected in city Jan. 10 Candidate to speak at AFSCME meeting
The race for the White House is expected to cut through Springfield next week when Democratic frontrunner Howard Dean comes to town.
Henry Bayer, executive director of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31, said Wednesday that Dean is expected to speak to the union's legislative conference Jan. 10. The event is not open to the public, but about 500 union members are expected to attend the event at the Hilton Springfield.
"Most of our members haven't seen him in person. This is an opportunity to see him face to face," Bayer said.
Dean, the former governor of Vermont, has been endorsed by AFSCME.
Dean will talk about his candidacy and issues confronting labor, Bayer said.
Many of organized labor's concerns are also shared by the general public, Bayer said. Among issues he cited were improving the economy and helping state and local governments that are feeling the budget crunch.
"In past recessions, the federal government has extended a hand to state and local governments," Bayer said. "This administration has been very stingy about doing that."
Dean is expected to touch on such issues as trade laws, the minimum wage and education.
Bayer said he believes union members will be more active during this campaign than they were four years ago.
An exact time for the Dean event has not yet been finalized.
The legislative conference is an annual event for AFSCME. Union members from around the state will attend the one-day event, where they will lay out the union's legislative agenda for the upcoming year.