once Kerry wins:
This article demonstrates that WACKENHUT, one of the largest industries in the PRIVATE PRISON business, was able to suck more money out of the treasury via federal laws designed to aid minority businesses. Part of the reason our foreign policy and our policies on law and order have run amok is that private industries profit in an unprecedented manner by the privatisation of the military industrial complex and the prison industrial complex. Even high ranking military officials have a concern for this.....prior to his death Admiral Eugene Carroll from the Center For Defense Information was on the Malloy show and we spoke of this danger.
One HUGE issue we could capitalize on together is the COST of all this privatization to taxpayers, the manipulation of the laws that make it possible and the cost in human lives when economies are dependent on DEATH and PUNISHMENT as industries that prop them up.
I post this just so those of you that hold a grudge with me for my advocacy of Kerry will know that nothing has changed over on MY end of things....we just go about our advocacy differently.