The Note which yesterday said the election was "Kerry's to lose." apparently got a deluge of e-mails from Bush supporters telling them not to count their guy out. So they came up with a list of ways Bush can still win the election. Your thoughts?
1. John Kerry's relative (un)likeability has yet to become as big of a factor in this race as it undoubtedly will in the fall. Hands down, Bush will always win the "have a soda with" question.
(Pure Bunk!! they used this as an arguement against Gore too--just because someone is intelligent apparently doesn't make them "one of the guys.")
2. Says a top Democratic stategist about the Kerry-Edwards campaign: "No one knows what their message is. 'Complex and layered isn't necessary enough.' (I say better than 'impulsive and trigger happy.')
3. Kerry's position on terrorism leaves him somewht vulnerable to the charge that he simply does not "get" the overwhelming consensus in favor of tough and sometimes pre-emptive--action against terrorist entities--a postition that both parties believe most Americans support. (This is entirely seperate from the question of whether the Iraq invasion was warranted, wise, or well-handled.)
(I say, yes, Bush showed how he understands the War on Terrorism by abandoning Bin-Ladden and Afghanistan and going into Iraq--right.)
4. John Kerry has not laid out a plausible position on how he'd conince foreigh countries to send troops to Iraq or how eh'd bring US troops home earlier, ect.
5. It is not implausible that Kerry will get hammered in the debates. (That is why Bush wants to avoid real debates? I say bring it on).
6. It is not implausible that the possible array of "unexpected events"--capturing Bin Laden, another terrorist attack, ect--will benefit Bush. (I can't argue too much with the capture of Bin-Ladden, but another terrorist attack on Bush's watch!! I don't see how that helps him.)
7. Voters for the most part take John Kerry's view of the economy, seniors support him in droves, and yet he barely leads--eveidence that Kerry hasn't closed the deal. (yes, tsk, tsk he leads an incumbent president, but not by a big enough margin--so obviously something is wrong with Kerry--not Bush who the public knows and has been president for four years).
8. If there's a gay marriage ban on the Ohio ballot (apparently that will bring out all the rednecks).
9. The Democratic machine is OBSESSED with getting someone to write about certain subjects like Haliburton, and spends way too much time trying to plant stories about it. (God Forbid the press do their duty and actually investigate this).
10. The Note is OBSESSED with field machines and knows that the Kerry campaign and the DNC are more than capable of putting together a stellar one. But the Republicans already have one. It's massive, intense, targeted, and sophisticated. The Republcans have the NRA and Redeem the Vote. (yeah, their organization is so good that the other night I got a call from them asking for my support for Bush. How is such a sophisticated machine capable of calling a life long liberal democrat to solicit support? seems like it needs retooling. By the way, the democrats had the best field organization in 2000 which accounts for Gore's victory and will have the best field organization in 2004).
What a bunch of hot air.