Edited on Sun Jun-01-08 01:45 AM by Blue_Roses
to be president because of her name. I used to adore Hillary Clinton, but I now loathe her. No woman should try to change the rules or "bully" her way into the office of the Presidency because she is indeed, a woman. An "electable" woman for this office would already be the nominee.
Hillary supporters hold their vote dangling over our head. But truth be known, Independents--who are crossing party lines to vote for Obama--could care less. Do you think they would be so inclined to vote for Hillary after this tirade. Hell no. No, it shouldn't be about the Hillary voters we will be losing. It should be about the Independent voters who will glad to lose Hillary--and they come in droves too.
Point being: Obama and his supporters openly welcome ALL Democratic voters. We want you with us. We are a team against McCain. But if not, then not only are you not a Democrat, you are a sell-out to women's rights.