McCain had no plans to shut down the 527's (which can rake in unlimited donations and spend as they please) that are already setting up to trash Obama mercilessly. Of course he wanted a deal to force Obama on the public money. That way he'd be limited in his ability to fight back against the 527's.
The Swift Boaters (a 527) trapped Kerry last time around. Kerry got his public money in late July after the convention and had to make that money last until election day. Bush, however, didn't get his public money until early September, after his convention. This meant that Bush could keep on spending at will until then with primary season money, which was not capped because he never took public money for the primaries. So, if Kerry had gone after the Swifties in August with public money, he's already be at a monetary disadvantage vis a vis Bush by time Bush got his public money in September. Or Kerry could ignore the Swift Boaters, save his money, but let their attacks go unanswered. The Swiftboaters knew how to set this trap, and that's why they went on the air in early August.
If Kerry had not been bound by the public money and its spending limits, things might have been different.