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Howard Dean's Achilles heel

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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-05-04 06:32 AM
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Howard Dean's Achilles heel
Edited on Mon Jan-05-04 06:37 AM by wyldwolf
Maybe all of this can be explained to some of the people who haven't made their decision?

From an interview with Howard Dean

Q: Rate President Bush.

A: He's doing a fine job on the war on terrorism.

Q: Who would be your model as a vice president?

A: Dick Cheney. It sounds like an odd thing to say because I don't agree with almost anything he says, but he's incredibly competent.

Oh, well, I tend to believe the president. I think most Americans tends to believe the president.

Howard Dean
June 22, 2003

Howard Dean's Republican leanings

Former governor Philip H. Hoff served three terms in the 1960s, and is regarded as the grand old man of liberal Democratic politics here. His support for Dean comes leavened with skepticism... "As governor, he fell under the sway of business interests." Hoff said.

For Vermonters who have seen Howard Dean up close and personal for the last eleven years as our governor, there's something darkly comical about watching the national media refer to him as the "liberal" in the race for the Democratic nomination for president. With few exceptions in the 11-plus years he held the state's top job, Dean was a conservative Democrat at best. And many in Vermont, particularly environmentalists, see Dean as just another Republican in Democrat's clothing.

Dean became Vermont's accidental governor in 1991 after Governor Richard Snelling died of a heart attack while swimming in his pool. Dean, the lieutenant governor at the time, took the state's political reins and immediately followed through with his promise not to offend the Snelling Republicans who occupied the executive branch. And Dean carried on with his right-leaning centrism for the next eleven, long years.

A+ Rating from the Republican led NRA
Secret sealed records
Secret energy meetings (like his ideal VP, Dick Cheney)
Pandering to the religious
Attempted to make Vermont a tax shelter haven for large corporations
Bad environmental record

(compare to

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Forkboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-05-04 06:36 AM
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1. Just as stupid as the other one
No wonder I don't want to vote for either guy.
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NV1962 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-05-04 06:37 AM
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2. Y'know...
I don't like drive-by assaults on the candidate I happen to support. Something tells me the people enthused by Howerd Dean don't dig it, either.

Let's leave that stuff to W's kids, they need to practice their campaign crayons more than we do, with our stellar line-up.

Besides, I think this is a dupe:
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-05-04 06:37 AM
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6. You may not start a new discussion thread in order to continue a current or recent flame war from another thread. The moderators have the authority to lock threads in order to contain flaming on a particular topic to only one thread at a time.

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