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Election Model: A Simple Precinct/PC/Spreadsheet Solution to Eliminate Election Fraud - (TIA)

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tiptoe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-08-08 10:16 PM
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Election Model: A Simple Precinct/PC/Spreadsheet Solution to Eliminate Election Fraud - (TIA)
Edited on Tue Jul-08-08 10:32 PM by tiptoe
Election Model: A Simple Precinct/PC/Spreadsheet Solution to Eliminate Election Fraud - (TIA)

Vote counts on touch screens are lost in cyberspace. States using mechanical levers (NY, CT, etc.) had the highest error rates: gears can be shaved and the votes cannot be verified. Optical scanners (FL, PA, NH, etc.) have a paper trail, but they are never fully inspected for recounts. The chain of custody is often broken (see the NH primary). And if all else fails, the central tabulators finish the job as necessary.

A simple solution would be for each precinct to install just ONE PC and spreadsheet software. Voters would fill out a paper ballot uniquely coded by precinct/voter ID. A copy is made available to the voter. The ballot is entered into the spreadsheet and cross-checked by three volunteers (Dem, Rep, Ind) as if it were a fully monitored recount.

The precinct spreadsheet file is uploaded to the internet for public access. Precinct files are consolidated for district, county and state totals. The files would enable each voter to confirm his vote online by entering his unique voter ID code. A spreadsheet user could download all the state precinct files to check the totals. The networks would no longer be the source of incoming, fraudulent votes. Exit polls would match the online totals to within 1%.

The solution is inexpensive, accurate and would serve the public interest. That is why it will never be implemented. There is no money in it. The voting machine manufacturers and corrupt election officials would fight it all the way. And of course, Congress would never do a cost/benefit analysis.

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NattPang Donating Member (993 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-09-08 01:02 AM
Response to Original message
1. Thank you for this information
seems easy and cheap.
Barack Obama is into this
sort of thing.
It will be done
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