... that through whatever means, it should be common knowledge that McCain DENOUNCED the United States three days into being declared a POW in Vietnam....and did it repeatedly afterwards.
Certainly, the Obama campaign would never bring up such "rumors", but there are indeed ways to feed the MSM flunkies.
McCain wants to play dirty politics. If he declares that he is by his next moves his new team is going to try to bring on, then there is no other course but to completely and utterly push the political nuclear button on the very core of his new bio portraying himself as having POW experience that somehow makes him "Presidential".
We can make this all VERY ugly for the McCain bio VERY QUICKLY if they want to play a new game of marbles.
Put it this way. It can be branded very solidly that where McCain the POW is saluting that the next imagery would be him actually betraying his country. I heed to mention this because McCain has already brought out former Swift Boat Vet LIARS on his stage.
The nuclear option on the McSame campaign is one that may happen from Democratic quarters...although people like Ted Sampley cold do the dirty work.