To Barbara Mikluski :grr: **************************************************************************************************** I am bitterly disappointed that my supposed representative to the United States Senate would support a measure blatantly at odds with the bedrock charter of our republic. The measure I refer to is the FISA bill and the document in question is the United States Constitution.
I will not delve into the details of how the FISA bill undermines the 4th amendment, because I know the Senator will not read this personally and I believe her to be fully aware of them regardless.
I would like to make a special point of a glaring instance of mendacity in the senator's press release of July 8, "Mikulski: Congress Must Reform FISA to Make America Safer." Contained in this defense of the indefensible is the assertion that, "I took an oath to protect and defend the people against all enemies – foreign and domestic."
Senator, you did no such thing. The oath of your office pledges you to "support and defend the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES against all enemies, foreign and domestic," as well as to "bear true faith and allegiance to the same."
True faith and allegiance, Senator Mikulski. My heart is heavy with the knowledge that by voting in favor of this bill as written you are acting in opposition to this promise.
How is your heart, Senator? ****************************************************************************************************
and to Ben Cardin :yourock: **************************************************************************************************** I just wanted to let Senator Cardin know that I believe his position on the FISA bill is exactly correct.
There is no reason to issue a blanket immunity from lawsuits to telecommunications companies who knew or should have known that their actions were not only illegal but a breach of the trust of their customers and all Americans. Moreover, this immunity would lead to a cover up of executive branch violations of law.
I am especially heartened that Senator Cardin has decided to vote against the final bill if the immunity provisions are not removed.
I salute this act of political courage in fulfillment of his oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.