They are all whipped up in their defense of "Ah, silly McCain. He is so motherfucking AUTHENTIC!" The trouble is, they use this kind of attitude (the "aww, but he's so endearing!) to excuse him for EVERYTHING, not just awkward jokes- his numerous policy fuck ups and gaffes. I'm not really offended by the joke (even though it is offensive...if that makes sense) as I think it reflects how "out of touch" McCain is, his jokes just make him come off as the hawkish "get off my lawn" stereotype...kind of like the "screw those damn hippies!" ad of his that started airing yesterday. Maybe it plays with older voters, but I feel like it's just not relatable to people who are younger...not very modern.
Here is some of the press spin already. They are pissed that Mike Murphy is not coming back, as they are that the public is not neccesarily falling as in love with their "maverick!" as they are...
Politco- "McCain being McCain".
Jonathan Martin- "
No, it's not terribly PC and perhaps isn't the kind of thing most presidential candidates would utter. But it gets to exactly what people like about McCain -- he's authentic and does tend to behave in ways most presidential candidates wouldn't." first read:
"Killing them with laughter: McCain’s statement on Iran also came just hours after he told another joke about Iran, which raised some eyebrows (remember “Bomb, Bomb Iran”?). Talking to reporters at the lunch counter at Primanti Brothers Restaurant and Bar yesterday, NBC/NJ’s Matthew Berger reports, McCain was asked about the increase in US exports to Iran during the Bush Administration, with the largest export being cigarettes. “Maybe that’s a way of killing them,” McCain said, laughing, according to a pool report. “I meant that as a joke, as a person who hasn’t had a cigarette in 28 years.” Cindy McCain then corrected him -- it’s been 29 years. She also poked him in the back. According to the pool report, McCain aide Brooke Buchanan then walked over to senior adviser Mark Salter with a concerned look on her face and repeated the exchange… Some folks in McCain World may be trying to get McCain to stop the jokes, but the old McCain returned. Of course, this is the McCain the public fell in love with over the last few years, though the timing of the Iran news didn't help. Still, if McCain can't be McCain, then he'll lose some of his appeal." I didn't watch Morning Joe this morning, but I read here that Chuck Todd similarly repeated the "but that's why people like McCain!" line. It was like his defense of the Charlie Black comment..."But he's such a straight talker, and now maybe that he's getting scrutinized, he won't talk to the press so openly anymore...."