McCain and the Republicans are attempting to do to Obama what they did to Al Gore and John Kerry so successfully. That is, to portray him as a "flip-flopper" and lacking in character. In a word, a liar. It is beyond ironic that McCain, a Senator who flip-flops and changes positions more often than his underwear, criticizes Barack Obama for "flip-flopping" on the FISA bill.
Just as they blatantly accused Obama of changing his position on withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Just as they say he changes positions so many times that no one knows where he stands? Their whole purpose is to tear down Obama by saying he is not trustworthy enough to hold the office of the Presidency.
It is a character attack of the lowest denomination. Simply to dress it up with flowery language like "flip-flopper" does not change what it is. They are attacking the character and qualifications of Barack Obama by falsely accusing him of being a liar and thus, not a person that is good enough to be the President of the United States.
They do not attack his positions on the issues. They attack him personally. For example, Obama has the same position as John McCain on the FISA, as much as we dislike to admit it. However, he is not attacked for his position on FISA. He is attacked as "flip-flopping" on the issue. That is all fair and square but there cannot be a double standard if we are going to use character attacks to determine who will be the next President. The gloves will have to come off soon.