Boston Globe: McGovern Says McCain's War Experience Not a Qualification for White House
July 8, 2008
By Susan Milligan, Globe staff
WASHINGTON -- He was a pilot in World War II, bombing targets in Europe to stop Hitler. But former Senator and 1972 Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern says that didn't qualify him to run the country -- and the same goes for GOP presumptive nominee John McCain.
"I don't have any regrets about that,'' the antiwar Democratic stalwart said in a brief interview yesterday on Capitol Hill. "While bombing is a terrible thing, we smashed Hitler's oil refineries all over Europe.'" "But I don't recall ever saying that experience as a bomber pilot equipped me to be very strong on how to run a war, how to command the armed forces,'' said McGovern, who will turn 86 on July 18.
Retired General Wesley Clark, a onetime candidate for president himself, raised ire when he said recently that McCain's experience in Vietnam -- while laudable -- did not qualify him to be commander-in-chief. While noting that he honored McCain's service -- including his years as a prisoner-of-war -- Clark said late last month that McCain has not held "executive responsibility,'' and added, "I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.''
The remarks on CBS's "Face the Nation'' were immediately derided by McCain's supporters. But McGovern said Clark had it right. "I think General Clark was misunderstood,'' McGovern said Tuesday evening as he visited the House chamber where he once served. "He wasn't belittling (McCain) at all.''
The Republican National Committee today chided the Obama campaign over McGovern's remarks: "It's extremely disturbing and disappointing that Barack Obama's surrogates continue to attack Senator McCain's heroic military service. John McCain has always put partisanship aside to serve the best interest of the country, something Barack Obama has demonstrated an unwillingness and inability to do," RNC spokeswoman Blair Latoff said in a statement....