Several months ago, I posted a story on here on how my father and I were no longer speaking due to some extremely racist comments he had made during a political discussion.
That was about two weeks before Easter. The last thing he said to me, after I told him off, was that he "had a lot to think about."
I called him several times, but got no response, and thought he had officially "disowned" me. I was about to give up.
Well, here it is July 10th and I am happy to say that he FINALLY called me.
While there was definitely some tension left over, he did make a point to inform me that he will be voting for Obama this fall. I was so taken back, I didn't know what to say. I was just overwhelmed that he had changed his mind.
Those of you who remember the original post about this know how taken aback I was when he made the comments. But that is not the point, so I won't delve into the details again.
I just wanted to say that we got one more! And if my father can change his mind, anyone can.
I also wanted to thank all of you for the kind words, thoughts, and prayers you sent my way. It was very much appreciated, and I would like to think that the positive vibes I got from you all helped in some way.