Edited on Tue Jul-15-08 11:48 AM by Phoebe Loosinhouse
Which may be slightly instructional here.
In the late 80's, the Rhode Island Credit Unions were headed for their very own miniaturized version of the larger S&L crisis. Rhode Island, being the cranky little state that it is, decided that they should have their very own form of credit union insurance which they set up and called RISDIC (Rhode Island Share Indemnity Corporation). They were famous for their ads which showed a pair of hands chiseling out the initials R I S D I C while a stentorian voice proclaimed that their commitment to you was "carved in stone".
And again because of their congenital suspicion of anything large (like national banks), Rhode Islanders embraced a multitude of neighborhood credit unions. (Side note - even the banks had peculiar names like Hospital Trust,and Old Stone Bank (who used Fred Flintstone as their mascot,because who wouldn't trust Fred with their money). These credit unions became somewhat known for their "handshake" form of business acumen which quickly translated into an insider type of lending where the same players often went to the well over and over. This ominous brew was then supplemented by a real estate bubble,often supported by inflated appraisals and a property version of musical chairs where the same fannies changed the same set of seats over and over.
The only thing missing was embezzlement. Oh wait, it wasn't missing. That's right, one of the friendly credit union Presidents was also lining his own pockets and keeping duplicate books. And it started to get harder and harder to cover his tracks especially if any real auditors showed up. And, one day the jig was up and he beat it out of town to hide out in Florida while his transgressions were discovered.( another side note - every single news account mentioned that on his way out of town, he illegally parked in a handicapped spot at the airport.)
The embezzlement turned out to actually be rather small - only about 1 mil. But imagine the surprise of all the cranky yet trusting Rhode Islanders when they discovered that RISDIC (carved in stone) could not cover the loss! This discovery was made on December 30 or thereabouts. And then all the now hysterical and no longer trusting Rhode Islanders were waiting impatiently to stampede to the credit unions to pull out their money on Jan. 2.
But, the credit unions were ALL closed down on January 1st, 1990 by the Governor. Happy New Year Rhode Island! And then followed a whole succession of events involving public hearings, investigations, audits,etc. Some people could not get access to their money for a very long time. Businesses shut down, kids had to leave school, houses were lost and there was an enormous ripple effect over the very small pond known as the Rhode Island economy.
Anyway, the moral to my long sad tale is that the institutions are only as sound as the insurance behind them. THAT's why I said crap! when I saw the FDIC ad in Newsweek. I could just hear that voice echoing, "carved in stone, carved in stone, carved in . . ."
BUT, I do think that the FDIC is hundreds of times sounder than RISDIC. I also know that a run on banks will be a very, very bad thing and really there is no alternative aside from your mattress. I think it is best if we all just pretend that the banks are sound because that is almost the only thing that will keep them sound. The feds can run around for the next few years and close down the worst ones in a controlled fashion while the rest of us just go about our business.