McCain, who famously said he does not know much about the the economy, does not know history very well either.
In yet another lame Republican attempt to build a bridge to our past. McCain threw his admiration behind the legacy of Teddy Roosevelt. Roosevelt held elitist, racist views that border on White Supremacy. "Theodore Rex" celebrated and advocated the genocide of Native Americans. Following is cut from the website of "International Brotherhood Days:"
http://www.brotherhooddays.comTHEODORE ROOSEVELT:
"I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth."
-Old Rough and Ready- Theodore Roosevelt 79).
Perhaps the most undeserving recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize of all time, Roosevelt, described the slaughter, the butchery and debauchery that occurred at Sand Creek in 1864, "as righteous and beneficial a deed as ever took place on the frontier." 79).
Roosevelt stated that the near extermination of the American Indian, "was as ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable." 79).
He also believed that "degenerates, criminals and feeble minded persons be forbidden to leave offspring behind them." He feared the better classes of American's were in danger of being outnumbered by the "unrestricted breeding of utterly shiftless....and worthless ," people. It is not a long stretch from "Theodore Rex's" elitist views to Hitler's final solution. Pierre L. van den Berghe rates Roosevelt as among the modern world's top three racist statesmen, the other two being Hendrik Verwoerd, architect of South Africa's system of apartheid, and Adolph Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany. 79).
President Roosevelt eagerly described the Dawes Act as, "...a mighty pulverizing engine to break up the tribal mass." 31).
As President he issued numerous executive orders that transferred over 2.5 million acres of Indian Reservation lands to the National Forest System.
He is fondly remembered as the founding father of the National Park system and hailed as a visionary that loved the beauty of nature. Roosevelt once said, "I hate a man that would skin the land." It is supreme irony that he could see the beauty of Nature, but could not recognize the beauty and dignity of the First People of that land, a people that had preserved the natural wonder of that very same land for tens of thousands of years. But whatever his shortcomings in cross-cultural understanding may have been, he certainly understood the tendencies, traits, and desires of his own culture. For it was his own culture, from which he wished to shield the "last wild places."
McCain has been one of the few Republican Senators that has demonstrated sympathy and some understanding of Native Americans. It is doubly ironic in that light, that he would pick a knuckle dragging troglodyte like Teddy Roosevelt for his role model and sheds light on McCain's sloppy grasp of the truth or more ominously his willingness to ignore it when it is politically expedient to do so.
mike kohr