And his speech was fabulous! If you didn't get to see it, watch for the youtube. "I Strongly Stand By My Plan To End This War"
By Greg Sargent - July 15, 2008, 12:06PM
Now that Barack Obama has just wrapped up his big Iraq speech, it's worth noting how big a gamble he's taken at key moments during this race -- by insisting on elevating the discussion to a higher plane than the ordinary tit-for-tat of campaigns.
When Obama was under fire for Reverend Wright, Obama gave a speech in which he asked his audience to think bigger, to rise above the narrow, gaffe-driven debate about Wright and have a real and meaningful discussion about the larger social and historical forces at play.
Now Obama has again done something very similar on Iraq.
John McCain wants the debate between the two men about Iraq to be framed around three narrow assertions: One, he was right about the surge, which has succeeded. Two, that success proves that we can "win" with "honor," rather than "surrender." And three, Obama has "flip-flopped" because he can't guarantee that withdrawal from Iraq won't take 30 seconds longer than his proposed 16 months.
Today, Obama insisted on a much broader framing of the discussion, in multiple ways.