and by the way, I'm NOT an overly sensitive Obama supporter. I was a Clinton supporter and I'm currently only for Obama as the less of two evils.
Things like that (photos, short snippets of words)are stored in your subconscious mind. These thoughts often influence what you do. People often glance at something and not even think about it - but it's stored in your subconscious mind. These thoughts are sometimes more powerful than your conscious thoughts."Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center have found that fleeting images of fearful faces – images that appear and disappear so quickly that they escape conscious awareness – produce unconscious anxiety that can be detected in the brain with the latest neuroimaging machines."
-snip-"...subconscious/implicit thought processes and conscious/explicit ones are more like equal partners than competitors. The two work together in the goal-directed controller, for example, to evaluate all the available information whether consciously or subconsciously perceived. So, for example, your decision to buy a certain product may be influenced by both explicit factors such as price and quality and implicit ones such as your mood, or an advert that you have seen but not necessarily noticed.
.....this is especially true when we are learning something new where the balance between ignorance and experience changes. Importantly, the subconscious isn't the dumb cousin of the conscious, but rather a cousin with different skills."
It's why people can't lose weight - their conscious mind says "lose weight" but your subconscious mind often gets in the way - ("you don't REALLY want to lose weight - then you will have to go out into the dating world" or "your husband/wife will want to have sex with you", etc, etc.)
That's why the Repubs flashed the word "rat" in a tv ad while the voice-over talked about the Democrats. The Repubs who handle advertising and marketing are way into Psychology. Sort of ironic for a Party whose leaders pooh-pooh anything to do with it.
Studies have shown that these things work very well.
The people at the New Yorker probably didn't do this with that in mind - but let me tell you - the Repub. marketers are licking their chops over this one.