Ending the Cold War-vintage US travel restrictions for Americans and resident aliens wishing to visit Cuba would make for a LOT of good will across the political spectrum, and NOT just in the Cuban exile community. I'd say that there are a lot of people who have resented the travel restrictions, and who have resented them for years--not just the modest demographic of Castro sympathizers and "sandalista" revolution groupies, but much larger demographics of bohemian tourists, yachters, antiquarians, divers, and people who just want to hang out on the beaches before they get hoteled and condo'ed and turn into carbon copies of Ixtapa, Cancun, and Nassau. We're p-o'd about the travel restrictions and want to see them GONE.
The only reason the travel restrictions have lasted as long as they have is because the travel restrictions are not the major issues most of the electorate uses to decide how to vote. However, for Cuban exile hard-liners, bashing Fidel has been their overwhelming issue and the Reagan and Buckaroo Bush administrations have seen fit to cater to this important segment of the Florida Republican coalition. I suspect that most Democrats have noted that the hard-liners have permanently aligned themselves with the Republican Party, and that even in Florida the Republicans are weaker than they've been in years.
2009 might finally be the year where the travel restrictions bite the dust and Obama wins himself some points in some surprising places.