Looking over some of the recent arguments that have roiled our rather raucous online community, I've realized that many of these arguments fall along the lines of two general groups, the doers and the thinkers.
The doers are our resident activists, those fired with a strong sense of uncompromising social justice, who labor incessantly in shelters, food banks, advocacy groups and as campaign foot soldiers. They are fearless, tenacious, and at times... overzealous. As such they are willing at times to charge any and all foes, be they giant or windmill.
The thinkers (with whom I lump myself) are often referred to derisively as the "chairborne" division. We are here to talk, to swap grievances, alternative theories of government and history, and enter into stimulating discussions and conversations with like-minded, and sometimes not like-minded individuals. The thinkers often come up with some of the more pointed analysis on this board which, if you can manage to read your way through it, gives an accurate and nuanced picture of what is really going on, even if it doesn't necessarily explain what must be done about it.
While these two groups butt heads, they are mutually dependent. Without the doers, we thinkers would merely analyze and spin our castles in the air to no avail for years on end, as our republic crashes around us. Without the thinkers, the activists would continue to act, but would often have difficulty knowing where is the most effective place to strike. Together, we stand as a lethal combination of both the thought and the action, creating changes in our nation against the forces of reaction and greed.
As an analyst, I salute my brothers and sisters in the activist wing of DU, we don't always agree, and sometimes we disagree violently, but I honor your courage, and respect your willingness to sacrifice your time, talents and abilities in the service of justice. May we learn from each other and vanquish our foes in November!
:patriot: :applause: :yourock: