The media will only bail on
McCain if they can find a more interesting narrative in his failure. They love to see a celebrity undergo a meltdown. Look at all the attention paid to Brittany Lohan Cruise et al. If I could direct the attack against
McCain, I'd try to create a word association that indicates he has an explosive temper and could go through a meltdown any time. It would have to be stealthy and use multiple media sources. You could associate a word like "unstable", "meltdown" or "unbalanced" with him. It could be done through coordination in the liberal blogosphere, letters to newspapers, internet comments on news sources, Google bombs,
search engine optimization, and comments to calling shows like on CSPAN. This narrative would also have to be reinforced by surrogates to the campaign.
McCain's temper becomes a media narrative then they'll jump at every little sign of a meltdown. You'd get comments about his campaign being in disarray because
McCain had another meltdown. His sometimes off the cuff comments would get taken as the sign of his temper. The media would much rather discuss something like this than do a policy analysis of the candidates.
The Obama campaign may be trying to do something like this already. I've noticed that they're using the word "confused" in reference to when McCain flip flops or sticks his foot in his mouth. It plays towards a negative stereotype of
McCain's age without coming out and accusing
McCain of dementia. It calls into question his mental capacity as a leader. Maybe we ought to start following their lead if they are using that word association and start aiding creating a media narrative about
McCain being confused. He's certainly provided us with enough material.
Chris Bowers over at Open Left has promoted a tactic to push up negative
McCain stories in media search engines. He proposed optimizing search engines by linking
McCain to 9 different news in internet postings. It's a way we can promote negative stories about
John McCain that are from more main stream sources when someone does a search for his name. I pepper my posts with links to
McCain's support of social security privatization. They've already successfully moved these stories up in rank when you Google
McCain or
John McCain.