First, McCain has to run away from his own economic adviser and economic guru who he's said on the campaign trail is at his side on economic issues, something he knows little about as he's pointed out before. He had to run away from comments from someone with in his OWN campaign calling Americans whiners, and saying the recession was all in our head. This wasn't like with Wes Clark, where he said it simply as someone who supported a candidate. He was part of the campaign.
And now McCain is disputing his own spokesperson from his campaign over whether Obama's trip is political or not.
The McCain lacks what Bush had in 2004. In 2004, Bush dominated the debate and controlled the day-to-day news cycles. It kept him on the offense, and put Kerry in the defense. I don't give Bush much credit, but I will say he built a formidable political machine in 2000 and 2004 and while it was dirty and nasty--the Karl Rove playbook worked against us. McCain isn't able to control the debate, even if the campaign trys. It's not about the campaign as much as it is about the candidate. McCain doesn't seem to aggressively dominate the debate like Bush did.
McCain also lacks a center theme. In 2004, Bush's was "I'll keep you safer, he won't. You may disagree but you know where I stand and what I'll do, you don't know where he stands or what he'll do" and while I disagree with that so very passionately, they hammered it in Americans brains in a way that NASCAR dads and soccer moms went to the polls and voted for W, instead of Kerry. McCain's campaign has already tried to pull the 04' card of calling the Democrat a flip-flopper, and it hasn't stuck. Why? No hard hitting commercials, no memo after memo showcasing the flip-flops of Obama, no overload of campaign officials on the MSM distorting and twisting the truth to paint Obama as a flip-flopper, and even the media for ONCE seems to be not buying the B.S. talking points the Republicans bring to the table--because they aren't convincing.
Republicans are liars. And the only way they win is when they distort, twist, turn, and smear. And McCain can't even pull off the Karl Rove brand of politics right.
His campaign is so disorganized, and is mediocre compared to the political machine Obama has built.
If you want a difference in the campaigns, look at the websites.
Obama's is the best campaign website I've ever seen. It's organized, detailed, appealing, and welcoming.
McCains is basic, not appealing to the eye and I could build a better website in one or two days, and it's about as disorganized as they come.
Now my point is the McCain campaign sucks. And I can't believe Obama isn't leading by double digits in the polls, despite leading by a landslide in the EV map.